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Kratos Wideband Fast Synthesizers

a broad line of General Purpose RF and Microwave Synthesizers to be used in various applications

This product is available from Milexia Iberica and Milexia Italia

Kratos General Microwave has developed a broad line of General Purpose RF and Microwave Synthesizers to be used in various applications.

They have developed a line of high performance, broadband Fast Indirect Synthesizers (FIS) to provide a cost-effective solution to the requirements of new systems. Its high speed (as fast as 1 µsec) provides an economical alternative to direct synthesizers for many applications.

Because of its low phase noise, it is an excellent alternate to the much slower and generally less reliable YIG-based rf synthesizer. To provide optimum solutions for different requirements, Kratos General Microwave has developed a variety of Fast Indirect Synthesizers (FIS) with different parameter trade-offs: The standard FIS line for fastest tuning speed, the low phase noise line for ELINT applications and the compact FIS line for airborne small size applications.

Some of the FIS rf microwave synthesizers can be configured (optionally) to operate as a dual mode source. In the synthesizer mode and in the high speed (1 µsec) DTO mode with modulation capability.

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