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Resolver cPCI Converter Card

Combination Synchro-to-Digital and Digital-to-Synchro

This product is available from Milexia France, Milexia Iberica, Milexia Italia and Milexia UK

The SB-365x series is a synchro conversion cPCI card that contains 3 channels of fully independent Synchro Resolver-to-Digital conversion and 6 channels of fully independent Digital-to-Synchro Resolver conversion on a single slot 6U size card. Un-populated D/S channels may be used as additional S/D channels for up to a total of 9 S/D channels.


The resolution and bandwidth are software programmable. Each synchro conversion channel has an independent signal and reference input. The inputs are solid state and non-isolated. For each channel the conversion process is implemented using PDC S/D converters (P/N RD-19231).


The card has six channels of Digital-to-Synchro conversion. For each channel the synchro conversion process is implemented using PDC D/S converters (P/N DRC-11522 hybrid). Each channel has an independent output and input reference. All reference input and outputs are transformer isolated. Unpopulated SIM channels can be used as additional API channels by using the wrap back test channels.

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