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High Voltage Resistors – Exxelia

I resistori prodotti da Exxelia sono progettati per una vasta gamma di applicazioni medicali, quali trattamento e prevenzione medica. Precisione e stabilità sono fondamentali in ambienti caratterizzati da alta tensione e campi magnetici: ecco i motivi per i quali i resistori di Exxelia Ohmcraft vengono scelti dai produttori di prodotti medicali, da piccoli dispositivi impiantabili e non invasivi fino a grandi apparecchiature di diagnostica.

This product is available from Milexia Italia

Exxelia resistors are designed for a variety of products to be used in medical diagnosis, treatment, and prevention. From small, implantable, and non-invasive devices, to large diagnostic imaging equipment, Exxelia Ohmcraft resistors are chosen by medical manufacturers because the operating environments are high voltage and magnetic fields where accuracy and stability are paramount.

Exxelia Ohmcraft’s proprietary Micropen® precision printing technology produces superior resistor products ideally suited for medical applications, printing resistors with electrical characteristics that outperform our competitors. Their technology allows you to write a very exact serpentine pattern with more precise line width and length than conventional screen printing.

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