BHE 1:2 Q-Band LNA system
The BJES10 Q-band Redundant LNA system
Ultra lightweight GaN tech
Gallium Nitride amplifier technology facilitates higher power in a smaller outdoor enclosure – just what is needed for the Ku-Band IBUC 3G from Milexia partner Terrasat.
Designed for mobility, the IBUC 3G is a full-featured IBUC in a new, smaller and lighter package.
An excellent fit with a very small aperture or flat panel antennas where size and weight are key considerations.
All of the IBUC performance and manageability advantages remain.
The included web interface enables terminal optimization during installation and provides a suite of trouble-shooting tools.
An auto-ranging DC power supply is accessed via an external power connector or IFL cable.
Available in 25W and 40W.